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New Jersey Fairy Hair, Vineland, NJ

Member Since: June 13, 2021
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Vineland, New Jersey
Independent Contractor-New Jersey Fairy Phone: (856) 392-1523
Here is some info about Finklepott's Original Fairy Hair:  We fuse it to one strand of hair. (No chemicals, just fairy Magic!) It takes 10-15 minutes to place the strands. It lasts until that strand falls out!  You can wash it,  brush it,  comb it , curl it,  flat iron, (up to 450°!) color it,  straighten it,  perm it, blow it dry, get your haircut, etc.  Do whatever you normally do to your hair -but most of all-, enjoy it!
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Fairy hair - @njfairyhair
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