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No Limits PR +, Palmdale, CA

Member Since: June 6, 2017
Festival biz experience: 13+ years
Palmdale, California
Owner/Designer Phone: (310) 560-8850
GBS Design is an LA based brand and a division of No Limits PR+.  I design hand-crafted gemstone jewelry for women, men and youth in the Bo Ho Chic and Southwestern design styles.  I have been collecting, polishing and crafting gemstones from all over California, Hawaii, Australia the US and Mexico.  The pieces I create are crafted from Jasper, Quartz, Agate, Turquoise, Hematite, Onyx, Carnelian, Culture Pearls and Jade. I use only natural and organic materials such as wood, metal, bamboo, ceramic and glass to accentuate each design. Ancient civilizations believed that gemstones enhance energy vibrations - some with healing properties, luck and protection from negative energy.  Body adornment has been part of the human experience for thousands of years and represent strength, social status, prosperity, elegance, confidence, beauty, health and good fortune. I have personally selected every stone, bead, focal and finding for each customized design which is personal and unique.
Craftsperson, Designer, Antiques/Vintage
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Hand-Crafted Gemstone Jewelry are crafted with natural and organic materials and gemstones such as Jasper, Quartz, Agate, Turquoise, Hematite, Opal, Onyx, Carnelian, Jade, Amazonite, Obsidian and Cultured Pearls. Pieces are accentuated with metal, wood, - Southwestern and BoHo Chic style Necklaces, Earrings, Chokers and Bracelets for women, men, and youth.
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