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North Country Candles & Gifts, Jamestown, ND

Member Since: December 10, 2020
Festival biz experience: 7+ years
Jamestown, North Dakota

I'm Marie Gruidl, sole owner and operator of North Country Candles & Gifts.

I'm a retired nurse and disabled but I have never been one to let grass grow under my feet no matter what the situation. I always had an interest in making useful & beautiful candles since my imagination was ignited in 1st grade by an art teacher and I made my first candle to bring home to my mother at 6 years old as a Christmas gift. Several years ago, one of my grand daughter's came to my house for my help with making candles, my hobby and passion was re-ignited again after many years and soon North Country Candles & Gifts was born. I gave a lot of candles away and many friends and family bought enough to help me restock some of my supplies.

Now, making candles with an art teacher at 6 years old is much different than today's reality. In the last several years I have had to learn a lot of different techniques, much more complicated technical information, how to run my business, make my own labels, find supplies at reasonable prices, how to charge for my work, work around my disabilities and so much more! I'm still learning every day. Making premium quality candles and making them safe, making them burn efficiently, making them smell fantastic, working with different waxes, dyes, wicks, molds and fragrances, all take practice to produce a superior quality product, and that is my passion. To make candles and other products that you will love, that you will want to keep for yourself and give as gifts with confidenceā€¦that is my love and passion!

God bless you for stopping buy and taking the time to read my bio.

Marie Alline,

Pro Member  

Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Soy Wax, Palm Wax, Paraffin Wax (when appropriate) - Candles, Wax Warmer Tarts, Gifts & Accessories
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