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PA Gourd Society, Saylorsburg, PA

Member Since: February 8, 2022
Festival biz experience: 8+ years
Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

The 2025 Pennsylvania Gourd Art Show and Festival will be housed again at the Lebanon Valley Expo Center in Lebanon, PA. With numerous restaurants, local shops, and places to stay, we look forward to another successful event.
The PA Fest continues to grow with classes from Thursday through Saturday, June 12 -14th. There will be three full days of classes as well as an array of vendors offering everything from raw gourds to tools and embellishments. Our instructors hail from across the US, and we always welcome new instructors and vendors.
At the Fest, a Raffle and 'Trash to Treasure' are the major fundraising events for the PA Gourd Society. PAGS members organize and run the Raffle with drawings each day of the Fest. Our generous sponsors donate a wide variety of tools, gourds, handcrafts, embellishments and more. PAGS members bring loads of new or gently used craft supplies to the Trash to Treasure section. Attendees can pick up amazing goodies and bargains for a donation. Our Gourd Gallery gives visitors a chance to purchase one-of-a-kind gourd art pieces at affordable prices.
The American Gourd Society judged Gourd Art Competition showcases the amazing talents of gourd enthusiasts young and old. We welcome new participants each year and can't wait to see new creations by novice to master artists across the region.
Vendor, Instructor, and Competition information and applications are posted on the website.

Art Council/Guild, Artist-Crafter, Gallery
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
gourds - raw gourds, gourd art, tools, finished art, weaving materials, handcrafted goods,inks
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