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The Rosy Cheek, Hamburg, PA

Member Since: January 29, 2013
Hamburg, Pennsylvania
artist Phone: (610) 488-2554

 Three years ago I started making and selling soft cloth, art dolls. I am continueing to learn and add more embellishments, and more animation into my dolls. I also love to make anything with paper! I've also exhibited and sold my watercolor paintings, and to do it again has been whispering in my ear, ever since before the holidays. I've never liked to have to stick with one medium, I like to try many things. I also reenact the Victorian period! I lOVE anything Victorian and my art represents that love.
 Thank you! Trish Moyer The Rosy Cheek

Artist-Crafter, Antiques/Vintage, Gallery
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
soft doll artisty, paper collage cards, watercolor - soft cloth dolls, cards, paintings, paper machie boxes etc
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