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Peace River Woodturners, Port Charlotte, FL

Member Since: March 13, 2024
Festival biz experience: 6+ years
Port Charlotte, Florida
The Southwest Wood Art Expo is an annual event that showcases the work of wood carvers, wood turners, wood artists, and furniture builders as they compete for the top spot.  One of the premier wood art shows in the country since 1986. A dynamic show with hundreds of entries for competition, vendors of all kinds (wood, tools, blanks, dust equipment, art supplies and more), demonstrations, raffle, artists' displays and sales.

Art Lovers: You will see hundreds and hundreds of beautiful sculptures, carvings, turnings, furniture, and other wood art. For a sample, click on the Gallery in the menu at the top of our website.

Competition and display tables: All the information needed to enter carvings/turnings or to acquire display tables are available right there on the website. Just click on the information you want in the menu at the top of this page and you can download the appropriate forms.
Art Council/Guild, Association/Organization, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
wood - wood
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