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Andeansolrocks: Peru Runes, Coeur D' Alene, ID

Member Since: February 8, 2011
Festival biz experience: 14+ years
Coeur D' Alene, Idaho

ANDEANsolrocks is both a personal, playful game of stones, and a mysterious oracle into Andean beliefs and culture. Stones are receptacles of information and power in the Andean tradition and have been used for centuries as tools for healing. This package of words, pictures, and stone energy, has the power and insight to change your life. They are a healing gateway and sacred journey into the realm of Spirit. Step into the world of ANDEANsolrocks and begin living under the Divine healing energy of Love emanating from Pachamama, our Mother Earth.

Artist-Crafter, Artist, Gallery
1. ANDEANsolrocks: Pathway of Light ( book, 22 stones from Lake Titicaca,Peru, small woven bag. small deck of 22 colored prints of oil portals)
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