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Petticoats on the Prairie Vintage Market, Colorado City, TX

Member Since: April 24, 2012
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Colorado City, Texas
Show Director Phone: (325) 242-1086 Exhibit Director Phone: (325) 242-1086 Food Director Phone: Entertainment Dir. Phone:

We are the Rodeo Queens of West Texas and are producers of the Premier Vintage Market of West Texas, Petticoats on the Prairie!  We are a juried show, featuring antiques, furniture, handmade goods, clothing, vintage and repurposed items, jewelry and cool JUNK too! Please check us out on Facebook for all the information and to apply to participate in our shows!  The Spring show will be April 24-25th in Llano, Texas!  

Antiques/Vintage, Event Production/Planning
Antiques, furniture, vintage items, clothing, junktiques and jewelry!
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