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Pocono PA Guild of Craftsmen/Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, Stroudsburg, PA

Member Since: June 7, 2006
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
The Pocono PA Guild of Craftsmen is a chapter of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen. The chapter started the Pocono State Craft Festival as a local chapter show, it grew into a state guild show and for the last several years has been co-sponsored with the Pocono Arts Council and Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm in Stroudsburg, PA. Focused on high quality handmade fine crafts, fine art and artisanal food and personal care products the show enjoys  a loyal customer base and excellent organization. 

The show takes place on the fourth weekend in August at Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm, where live farm events, demonstrations, wagon rides and stone oven baked goods make for a complete day for the whole family.
Art Council/Guild, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
fine craft show, art, crafts, handmade - jewelry, pottery, woodworking, handmade,soap, artisanal food, blacksmithing, fine art, clothing, toys,
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