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Preston Castle, Carmichael, CA

Member Since: August 15, 2013
Carmichael, California
Time is a ticking!  The date is getting closer!!  So whats your specialty? Food? Crafts? Face Painting? Are you a Magician? Can you play a fiddle or guitar? Well, let me see what ya'll got! I now have vendor forms for the Olde Tyme Country Christmas, which will be held up at Preston Castle, Ione, CA December 14 and 15.
Would love to see what ya can make or taste what you can bake, or cook, …paint, hear, and your slight of hand. . Also, the Historic Ione Hotel has graciously offered a 10% discount on their rooms!  Make your reservation ASAP(209) 274-6082.. .. Just email with your email address and I will get the vendor form right out to ya! :)
Event Organizer, Artist-Crafter, Other
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Crafts - Crafts
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