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River Gypsy Arts, Saint Charles, IL

Member Since: January 24, 2016
Festival biz experience: 9+ years
Saint Charles, Illinois
River Gypsy Arts is the singular arts showcase of artist Linda Wininger. She offers high quality wearable leather art masks, gift-worthy leather bookmarks, leather roses and wristbands, wire wrapped natural stone jewelry, (and always more to come!) Based in St. Charles, Illinois, the artist has only recently come into the public eye at local gallery events, to great acclaim. Her work could be considered art, craft, or artisan production; above all she values craftsmanship, creativity, and the practice of evolving skills.
Artist-Crafter, Artist, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
sculpted and tooled leather, copper wire, polished natural stones - leather masks, leather roses, leather bookmarks, wirewrapped jewelry
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