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Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce, Roberta, GA

Member Since: April 27, 2009
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Roberta, Georgia
A co-sponsored event by Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce (RCCCoC), The City of Roberta and Crawford County Historical Society (CCHS),offering The Georgia Jug Festival and Old Knoxville Days. Day long ...May 17, 2025 and every third Saturday in May in Knoxville, Georgia--this festival has something for everyone and have included evening in Roberta but will be beginning with the Jug Festival 5K and One Mile Fun Run race organizer Larry Carpenter, starter gun to fire at 8 am. All proceeds will be applied to the Crawford County Historical Society for the preservation of historic buildings, in particular a century-plus Old Courthouse, used until 2002. Ending the family day with JugFest Lawn Mower Races for the fun and benefit to civic projects of RCCCoC. Saturday, May 17, 2025 the day will be packed full providing something to interest everyone in the family. Children's area, arts and crafts, rides and story times, to Pottery Auction, Pottery Exhibit, Tractor Show and Parade, 50 craft and potter vendors, Free entertainment, fair foods, historic stories and antiquated skilled crafter's demonstrating tatting, knitting, caning, weaving, knife making, whittling and so much more in the Old Courthouse including a "Classic Car and Truck Show". There will be a Quilt Show in Roberta, only 7/8 miles west from Knoxville offered by Designs by Diane, no entry fee, parking fee, and the only funds you will need are if you purchase food, drink, pottery, crafts or children's rides. All day fun for a family who is looking to fill This Third Saturday in May up with a variety of things to do and see. Roberta in the evening will be full of fun and music for dancing in the street and so much more. 
A pre-event held on Friday May 19, 2018 is Lunch and Learn. A CCHS event, will be featuring a guest speaker and a fine lunch for the whole family in Musella, five miles north of Roberta on US Hwy. 341 at the Musella Baptist Church.
Come join us for a full day and events within in the festival event, rain or shine, but always with this in mind..."For the love of Mud" and the beauty created with our mud.  
Event Production/Planning, Jeweler, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Rack Cards, T.V. and Radio, Brochure - Pottery, Crawford History, Family Fun
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