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Saint John Chrysostom Church, Lakewood, CO

Member Since: August 10, 2020
Festival biz experience: 6+ years
Lakewood, Colorado
Show Director Phone: (727) 422-1338 Exhibit Director Phone: (727) 422-1338 Food Director Phone: (727) 422-1338
St. John Chrysostom Church is a mission church of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Diocese, part of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America. The church was established in Golden CO in 2007 and moved to its current location in Lakewood CO in 2014. We are a pan-orthodox community with Divine Liturgy services every Sunday. We engage in a variety of events and social get-togethers including our Annual Holiday Craft Fair. All are welcome.
Association/Organization, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Handmade crafts/ original artwork - Handmade crafts/ original artwork
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