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Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY

Member Since: June 21, 2010
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Saratoga Springs, New York
Marketing Associate Phone: (518) 584-9330 Senior Director of Marketing Phone: (518) 584-9330 Box Office Manager Phone: (518) 584-9330 Group Sales Coordinator Phone: (518) 584-9330

Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) is home to an acoustically ideal amphitheater, the Spa Little Theatre, the Charles R. Wood Gazebo Stage and The Jazz Bar — all nestled in an idyllic park setting surrounded by hiking trails, geysers and natural mineral springs. It is the artistic, social and aesthetic center of one of the East Coast's most vibrant small cities - Saratoga Springs, NY. 
Our rolling lawn and multiple stages are the beating heart of the 2,400-acre Saratoga Spa State Park. Visitors to SPAC's internationally recognized festival of music and dance immerse themselves in exquisite nature, minutes away from the urbane pleasures of Saratoga's historic downtown.
World-class restaurants, horse racing, nightlife, shops, galleries, museums and accommodations make Saratoga Springs a captivating destination for cultural tourists from around the globe. Choose your delights and make memories to last a lifetime at SPAC this summer.

Association/Organization, Festival/Event/Show, Event Venue
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
stage, speakers - music, tickets, festival, jazz, orchestra, artists
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