Wick less candles that are soot free, flameless, and lead free. Safe for the classroom to your office to the kids play room to the are where fido spends most of his time.
Over 50 decorative warmers to choose from and over 80 scents to smell. New scents come out every month. Hey even a new warmer each month too.
Made from a food grade petroleum. No harmful chemicals for those of you who are sensitive to smells. Those you have crazy allergies no need to worry. Wax gets as hot as your body temp. Kids will think they are at a kiddie spa. No burning little fingers.
All I ask is to try it. The amount of money you will save is a couple hundred dollars verse buying from other candles companies and we are all natural and safe for school classrooms, offices, pets and little people(kids).
Contact me today to learn more.
Nina Mejia