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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, IA

Member Since: November 18, 2004
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Sioux City, Iowa

Sioux City Art Center's ArtSplash Festival is recognized as a leading Arts Festival in the upper Midwest and a beloved annual community tradition for nearly three decades. Located in downtown Sioux City on the beautiful Art Center campus, ArtSplash invites you to apply to be one of our exhibitors at the 2023 event, a world-class and award-winning celebration of the visual arts. Our goal is to provide our selected exhibitors and the over 15,000 visitors with a family-centered arts adventure of exceptional quality. This is your chance to experience first-hand the accolades as reported by fellow artists: historically high art sales potential, consistently high marks for artist support, enthusiastic volunteers, and a new jury panel each year to provide fresh perspective. ArtSplash is an established show that attracts a loyal, supportive regional audience. Apply now for an incredible exhibition opportunity to sell art at the 29th annual Sioux City Art Center's ArtSplash Festival: Labor Day Weekend, September 2 & 3, 2023!


  • $7,000 in cash awards at press time. Best In Show: $2000, 2nd Place: $1500, 3rd Place: $1000, Five Awards of Excellence: $500 each
  • Leisurely Friday set-up (timely unload is requested)
  • Complimentary Artists' Reception and Dinner on Friday night before the festival
  • Favorable hotel rates at two downtown hotels within 3 blocks on the festival grounds
  • Integrated Zapp® Gallery with links to artist information and social media campaigns before and during the festival, as well as saturated television, radio, billboard, and print buys in the region.
  • Booth sitters and long-time volunteers dedicated to making our artists happy!
  • Artist Hospitality Team with dedicated hotline
  • Complimentary beverages and snacks delivered to your tent throughout each day
  • Optional boxed lunches delivered to your booth each day (option at confirmation)
  • On-site Artist Parking
  • 24-hour security - SC Police Department
  • Festival Guide includes information for each artist distributed to 200,000 households via the Sioux City Journal, as well as distributed at point-of-sale locations and on-site during event.
  • Booth Amenities:
    • 10' x 10' Booth with at least 1' between booth spaces
    • All booths on street at press time
    • Storage behind booth. Booths will have 3' behind booth, however, keep in mind that these sidewalks are used for electric cords and passage by festival vehicles and staff.


Festival/Event/Show, Food Vendor, Performer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Ceramics, Drawing, Fiber, Glass, Jewelry, Metalworks, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Wood - Fine Art and Fine Craft
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