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Sirius Jewelry, Henrico, VA

Member Since: June 20, 2011
Festival biz experience: 13+ years
Henrico, Virginia
Life is like a Jewelry Shop!  Sometimes it's hard, frustrating work, but mostly there are beautiful things with which to play and build other beautiful things.
I really can't decide if Designing or Making the pieces is more fun.  When I'm designing I have to have my hands ON the materials.  Then I'll draw it, so I have some chance of replicating it. I'm not very good at making a piece exactly the same over & over again; just not interested.   ( That is an art unto itself. )  Sometimes the materials for a piece will sit on my table for weeks before it comes together in my mind.  Each of the pieces on my site is in that setting because that is where it wanted to be.  One of the most fun things I do is UpCycle either a spare earring or a piece that hasn't been worn in awhile. I love taking that piece & making it work for you now!!
Jeweler, Designer, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Handmade Artisan Gemstone Jewelry - Handmade artisan jewelry made with finest materials
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