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Sondance Design Leather, Spearfish, SD

Member Since: October 17, 2005
Spearfish, South Dakota
Former theatrical costumer creating and designing leather goods and clothing using deer,elk,buffalo,goat,sheep,and cowhide. Experienced in historical research, I design for the buckaroo, mountainman, mideivil & renaissance, and biblical. Available contemporary designs for those who choose to live in the now. My best selling article is custom fitted Bible covers. A specialty is to take a currently designed product and adapt the design to your needs. Great pride is taken in the construction of all articles and no two pieces are exactly alike thereby creating totally unique pieces.
Artist-Crafter, Designer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
deerhide, elkhide, buffalo, lambskin/sheepskin - Hand-stitched custom designed leather goods and clothing
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