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South Low Kreau, Seal Rock, OR

Member Since: February 5, 2020
Festival biz experience: 3+ years
Seal Rock, Oregon
Show Director Phone: (541) 270-6860 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (541) 270-6860
The South Low KREAU Band (pronounced CROW) plays Original songs, Hillbilly Rock & Roll, Country & a lot of in-betweens. We reside in Seal Rock, Oregon.  We play songs from the 50's, 60's 70's and beyond..  We love songs that tell a story, that have meaning.  Our band consists of our Lead guitarist, Rhythm guitarist, Bass and Drummer.  Lead vocals are performed by the bands Co-founder, Deb.  Male vocals are performed by husband Jimmy.  Also included is our Saxaphone player & Mandaline player.  Check us out on Facebook/South Low KREAU.

Many Blessings!
de∗∗∗ @
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Event Organizer, Festival Goer, Other
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Music - None
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