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Southern Junkers Vintage Market, Memphis, TN

Member Since: January 28, 2016
Festival biz experience: 19+ years
Memphis, Tennessee
Southern Junkers Vintage Markets Hosting Vintage, Antique, Collectables, Garden, Repurposed, Upcycled, Jewelry, Handmade, Homemade, Rusty, and Cool Junk with over 60 Vendors from around the U.S. Music, Food, Demo's special events. With Over 60 Vendors from all over the U.S. bringing you the Ultimate Vintage Antique experience.
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Vintage, Antiques, Collectables, Garden Decor, Repurposed, Upcycled Music, Food, Demo's Music Special events - Vintage Antiques Jewelry Cool Junk Repurposed Upcycled Garden Decor
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