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Squeaky Wheel Pottery 1, Bemidji, MN

Member Since: July 22, 2009
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Bemidji, Minnesota
Artist Statement
Squeaky Wheel Pottery
Ron “Krispy DaDragonmaster” Boock
Master Potter
Miranda Larson

Being founded on the belief, everyone needs a bowl to eat from, here at Squeaky Wheel Pottery most of our work is of a functional and affordable nature although Krispy does admit that a limited amount of his work would classify as art for the elite. Potters are the oldest profession in the world, with many references made to potters in the bible. Potter's belong to a class of very simple beings, and due to the nature of their philosophy are often sought out for guidance. At Squeaky Wheel Pottery we subscribe to filling human needs, more than filling our bank account, our pieces have been sold at a loss to ensure the bowl to eat out of philosophy is carried forward. Pieces have even been given away free at times. My son Josh Boock was in residence here until his untimely demise three years ago, also subscribed to this philosophy. A permanent memorial erected, to honor him, on the most prominent street corner in his hometown of Bemidji. A tribute to his community involvement and artistic contributions to the community, potters being a humble lot this is a rare honor. Also being the only person in this Bemidji to have a permanent memorial says a lot about his passion for ceramics and life. Squeaky Wheel has been in a limited engagement status for three years. Now Miranda Larson a very talented young ceramist has come aboard, and the dream lives on. Miranda shares the philosophy of unequivocal acceptance and the fulfillment of basic human needs for all people, the underlying philosophy of Squeaky Wheel Pottery. Miranda although young is quickly finding her way to the helm and will soon navigate Squeaky Wheel through an unknown future.

The work is reduction fired to cone ten. Stoneware is as permanent as a medium that is possible. With the earliest proof of civilized man dating from the high fire ceramics pieces found. At Squeaky Wheel we formulate our own clays bodies from scratch, some of-of formulations have been tweaked by Master Ron Boock over 50 years since attending Bemidji State University on his GI bill under the direction of Prof. Westy James. Working in what possibly is the most state of the art studio in the area, Ron and Miranda produce a vast array of functional and non-functional pieces.

Ron and Miranda see children a valuable asset to the community. It is not unusual to see Ron laugh when a child breaks a piece, which he has encouraged them to feel or touch saying it “is only clay” and requesting if they break the piece that they carry it to the nearest trash can in a paper bag for him. Quoting Ron “Many ignore children as they have no Platinum cards.” He has also been known to appear as his chosen Avatar Krispy DaDragonmaster handing out clay trinkets to the children and telling dragon tales. His apprentice also has an Avatar and is known as Miss Chievous.

Squeaky Wheel is launching itself into a new existence and has nothing but the highest hopes for the future.
Founded in 1975, Squeaky Wheel Pottery has maintained a philosophy of individuality, recognizing Thay every person posses a unique set of distinctive characteristics. Often Master Potter Krispy DaDragonmaster has been questioned about his sliding fee scale approach to selling pots. Krispy explains, "There is a significant disparity in the fiduciary resources in the populace." He goes on to say, "it is more important if someone truly bonds to one of his pieces, 'that it remains in their aura,' price is not felt to be the determining factor," in Krispy's marketing plan. Krispy has been known to reduce his prices also at times to give pieces away. When queried about this Krispy pats his robust belly and laughs, "I am not going hungry!" Krispy often as not will then pontificate quoting from a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925,
“The Seven Social Sins are:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.
Commerce without morality.
Science without humanity.
Worship without sacrifice.
Politics without principle."
A creed Krispy adamantly subscribes to and practices.

Master Potter Krispy DaDragonmaster loves to entertain children. At many festivals. Krispy produces approximately 10,000 dragon necklaces annually that he distributes to the children free. Krispy tells stories of protecting dragons, as they are an irreplaceable limited resource. The dragon stories explain that when the last dragon perishes, "All the magic on earth disappears with it." Of course, all the children agree, with Krispy. The children then are given a dragon necklace (tied with a fluorescent cord and a dragon card signed in red ink (told their parent will explain red the ink later). The children then being instructed when they see another child wearing one of these necklaces (easy to spot because of the fluorescent cord) that they also believe in protecting dragons. So they should smile and wave at them. Creating a micro-society within the festival in which children smile and wave at one another because they have something they share compassion. Krispy feeling that starting children smiling and waving at each other is the first step in bringing about positive societal change.

One of the great strengths of Squeaky Wheel Pottery lies in its allegiance to OOAK (One Of A Kind) handcrafted functional and non-functional pieces. In contrast to many other potteries, Squeaky Wheel Pottery did not cease work when the old utilitarian forms that were superseded by production pieces (i.e., ram presses, jiggers, jollies, etc.) Instead, Krispy DaDragonmaster of Squeaky Wheel Pottery stayed at his wheel and gradually transformed the old craft; he has embarked on five decades of innovation and growth, securing the craft's prominent position in the historical and artistic culture of contemporary life.

Today, Squeaky Wheel Pottery is flourishing; sustained through its sense of tradition and Master Potter and Face Jug Builder Krispy DaDragonmaster's awareness of earlier forms, glazes, or technologies.

All clay trimmings and excess glazes are re-pugged and used again making Squeaky Wheels Pottery self-sustaining. Patrons have the opportunity to view Krispy's works at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, Art on the Red, Bemidji Art in the Park, along with many other regional and national showings.

Krispy DaDragonmaster
Miss Chievious
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Pottery Cone 10 Reduction OOAK - Face Jugs ad cups along with othe functional reduction fire cone ten stonewre
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