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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Saint Francis Neighborhood Center, Baltimore, MD

Member Since: August 9, 2011
Festival biz experience: 13+ years
Baltimore, Maryland
Event Liaison Phone: (410) 669-2612 Coordinator Phone: (410) 669-2612 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (215) 630-6005
St. Francis Neighborhood Center is committed to breaking the cycles of poverty through education, inspiring self-esteem, self-improvement, and strengthening connections to the community. SFNC served over 15,000 individuals in 2013 alone! St. Francis Neighborhood Center strives to give people hope for a better tomorrow by providing them with the tools they need for a better today.
Event Organizer, Food Truck Vendor
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Nonprofit Community Center - Educational programs and resources for community
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