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Starwater Jewelry/Art, Birmingham, AL

Member Since: January 24, 2016
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Birmingham, Alabama
Throughout my life, I have been an active artist, designer and crafter. From painting tiny greeting cards, age 9, through high school sculptor, young adult copper/earrings and stained glass crafts and then full time woodcraft designer and vendor in the 80's, art has been my place of comfort, excitement, and engagement. Even though I attained a Ph.D. and worked in the field of clinical psychology for 20 years, I am back in the world of art and I'm staying.

Though my pace is slower, I have the time and resources to pursue my lifelong passion for jewelry, especially rings. I focus on metal clay creations which may include gem and natural stones and also vintage mid-century Scandanavian-inspired sterling silver pieces.

Being a vendor in art shows and selected shops offers the personal/social outlet I once experienced as a therapist. Truly, I have the best of two different worlds.
Artist-Crafter, Designer, Antiques/Vintage
Beaded metal clay and vintage re-designed jewelry pieces
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