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Sufu Jewelry LLC, Mcmurray, PA

Member Since: December 23, 2020
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
Mcmurray, Pennsylvania
Phone: (412) 302-8555 Owner Phone: (412) 302-8555
As a gemologist and jewelry lover, I have owned/worn jewelry of all types - from ridiculously expensive to dime-store cheap, painfully heavy  or too fragile. I learned that expensive or stylish doesn't always = wearable comfort. That is why SuFu Jewelry was started.

SuFu Jewelry is designed to be COMFORTABLE, WEARABLE, and AFFORDABLE.

Uniquely styled to be dressed up or down. The same jewelry can be worn with Jeans & T-shirt, or a coctail dress and heels!
Jeweler, Craftsperson, Photography
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Sterling Silver, Precious & Semi-precious Gems, Strung Stones, Bar/Station gems and Earringss - Necklaces, Earrings, some soft goods.
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