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Swatez Art, Bakersfield, CA

Member Since: December 31, 2011
Bakersfield, California




Mitch Swatez is a California native and was born in Los Angeles, California in 1955. He has had a lifetime passion for creative expression, including the visual arts, music (he sings, plays guitar and harmonica),  and poetry. This passion is tied to a deep need to maintain a continuing connection with the natural world, the wellspring of creativity and spirituality.

Mitch studied the visual arts for three years at both California State University, Long Beach and at California State University, Humboldt. After pursuing a career as Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor while raising his family of four children, he has again immersed himself in the Artist’s Journey.  He is most interested in creating works of beauty and tranquility - colorful and lyrical expressions of natural  subjects. In his work, he seeks to balance intensity and subtlety, movement and stillness. His works are visually stunning and have been well received.




Mitch has completed a number of works in a series on Koi Fish on large canvases for the past five years.  He also has painted a number of large ceramic platters with these colorful fish. He has shown at venues in California, Washington and Baja California including the Humboldt Arts Council, the Snohomish Arts Council, the Laguna Sawdust Festival and Laguna Pottery Shack, Polo Gallery in Rosarito, Baja California, and a number of smaller galleries and art boutiques.




Mitch has also been teaching Sociology at College of the Redwoods and teaching ESL in Mexico.


Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
acrylic, canvas, ceramic - fine art, ceramics
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