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Tastes For You, Detroit, MI

Member Since: February 16, 2018
Festival biz experience: 8+ years
Detroit, Michigan
Tastes for you sales delicious Little Jimmy's Italian ice which taste delicious on a warm or hot day or any day customers love it this Italian ice is dairy free cholesterol free Gluten Free it contains no Fructose or Corn Syrup.We also sell Funnel Cakes,Bratwurst,Hot Dogs Great Hamburgers and more so if you are having a Festival or a nice Event give us a call or email us @
Web site / E-mail - ta∗∗∗ @
Social media
Food Vendor, Festival Services, Commercial Vendor
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Italian Ice - Little Jimmy's Italian Ice, Funnel Cakes, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Bratwurst
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