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Taylor Farm Pumpkin Patch, West Lafayette, IN

Member Since: November 6, 2024
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
West Lafayette, Indiana
We are a family owned and run pumpkin patch and corn maze in West Lafayette Indiana. All pumpkin proceeds go towards paying for our two kids 4-H projects. They show beef cattle, sheep and have several projects in the exhibit hall. Our patch is open annually mid September until the last Saturday of October. On the last Saturday of October we have our End of Season Bash and haunted corn maze. We invite food trucks every day we are open to feed our guests! During the patch time I offer consignment selling for local family owned vendors to bring their items to sell. We sell their items throughout the patch season then pay them for all that was sold during that time at the end. 

Beginning of November we have our Holiday Bazaar. We invite local vendors to come set up for usually first Saturday in November to sell their items. We invite food trucks as well. We have Santa during this event and a photographer too so our guests can get pictures with Santa. The photographer also offers small family photo sessions on the farm during this time as well. This is a one day event. 

Every year to give back Taylor Farm Pumpkin Patch sponsors and fills at least four Operation Christmas Drop shoe boxes, We donate money to the Battleground STPS for their trunk or treat event, donate pumpkins and gourds to local nursing homes, supply pumpkins for Columbian Parks Boo at the Zoo, and at the end of the season allow locals to come get pumpkins left to feed to their farm animals at no cost to them. This year we donated over $500 worth of supplies to North Carolina through the Cajun Navy 2016.
Association/Organization, Artist-Crafter, Children's entertainment
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Pumpkins, corn maze, vendors, Holiday Bazaar, End of Season Bash - Family owned and run, local vendors, food trucks
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