Teresa Stafford
There has been controversy regarding whether you should consider images captured with a digital camera or manipulated with photo-shop software as “photography.”
I’d like to share my thoughts where that is concerned. I have worked in the darkroom, processing film, used techniques while developing film itself to cause interesting effects. It seems to me, I am doing much the same thing when I use photoshop to enhance or manipulate my images. The following is a quote from a Photographic Artist, I admire.
“Many traditionalists in the field of photography balk at post-processing; asserting that such manipulation by software programs (e.g., Photoshop) undermine the integrity of photography as an art form. However, these esoteric views are quickly falling by the wayside. Legendary black and white photographers, such as Ansel Adams, spent weeks manipulating their images in the darkroom. Let the truth be told …post processing occurred way before the digital era and Photoshop. Manipulation through a computer or manipulation in the darkroom using chemicals…in the end, it’s all post-processing. Seems to me that anything which enhances the viewer’s experience of a photograph is a good thing, no?”
Natalie Mikaels