The Goose Creek Co, Elsmere, NE
I am a stay at home mom. I live on a ranch in north central NE with my husband and 3 children ages twenty (who is engaged), seventeen and four yr old. The expences of ranching has incresed to the point that an off ranch income is required. Living 45-60 miles makes it not profitable to have a job in town. This is why I started my home based business, "The Goose Creek Peddler". I retail a variety of products from hand made, to cleaning, to skin care, to kitchen,to home decor, to Financial solutions. The companies I represent are, Fuller Brush, Arbonne, Rada Cutlery, World of Products, DW Scott, and Master management. I sew baby quilts "Silkies", throws, Pillow quilts, Potato bags, Potholders, Coasters, Pin cousions, scubbies, and will be adding more items. My desire is to provide quality product that people need and to bring glory to my Lord amd Savior Jesus Christ.