Happy Holidays! From Now until the New Year, our staff will have limited office hours. Time-sensitive and order-related emails will take priority; we appreciate your patience! Happy New Year!
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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.
Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


The Impulse Shops, Collegeville, PA

Member Since: March 4, 2024
Festival biz experience: 5+ years
Collegeville, Pennsylvania
We're an indoor artisan market located in the heart of Collegeville, Pennsylvania. Our neighboring businesses include a regional natural grocery store, gym, yoga studio, restaurant and hair salon which provide lots of foot traffic. We welcome both long and short term artists, artisans and food vendors who sell already prepared snacks.
Festival/Event/Show, Artist-Crafter, Food Vendor
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