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The Spotted Woman, Schaumburg, IL

Member Since: June 3, 2013
Festival biz experience: 19+ years
Schaumburg, Illinois

When I was in my 40’s I noticed that my hands were getting mottled. 
Off I went to a dermatologist who told me I had “Vitiligo*”. Parts of 
my skin were losing their pigmentation. Although not contagious, there 
is no reversing the process. I did what any other person would do. I got
 a second opinion….from my Mom. “Oh,” she told me “that’s just something that happens in our family. It’s not a big deal, and it will keep you humble.” She was right, other than staying out of the sun and having my  husband call me “Spot”, it wasn’t a big deal. (I am one of the lucky ones). I even referred to myself as a Spotted Woman. It didn’t take a big stretch   to name my business after myself. (So much for keeping me humble!)  

Wild Women pins, Wire-wrapped/beaded serving pieces, Flip-flop postcards
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