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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Topanga Vintage Market, Woodland Hills, CA

Member Since: January 2, 2015
Festival biz experience: 13+ years
Woodland Hills, California
Show Director Phone: (310) 422-1844 Exhibit Director Phone: (310) 422-1844 Food Director Phone: (310) 422-1844 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (310) 422-1844

One of LA's Top 5 flea markets*, Topanga Vintage Market is always the 4th Sunday at Pierce College.**  
The Vintage Market includes over 180 of LA's best vintage, antiques, and collectibles dealers, plus live music, local artisans, and food trucks.  Shop for vintage fashion, furniture, jewelry, toys, technology, ephemera, movie memorabilia, anything you can imagine!

Remember, always the 4th Sunday (which is not necessarily the last!), from 8 am to 3 pm. Summer hours are 7:30 to 1:30.

Parking is free, admission is only $4, and kids under 12 are free. Veterans are forever free.

No pets please.

LOCATION:  Just north of the 101 Fwy
At the Mason Ave entrance of Pierce College

Victory Blvd at Mason Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91306

Feel free to call us at 310-422-1844

tweet: @TopangaVintage,

instagram: Topanga_Vintage_Market, #TopangaVintage

Facebook: Topanga Vintage Market

and Pinterest: Topanga Vintage

* House Beautiful, Arch. Digest, CBS Local, Angeleno & thousands of vintage shoppers love TVM!
**(except in December if it's too close to Christmas day)

Event Organizer, Antiques/Vintage, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
antiques, vintage, salvage, reclaimed, found objects, jewelry - vintage, antiques, Mid-Century, flea market, swap meet, fashion, furniture, collectibles, memorabilia, outdoor, festival, food trucks, local artisan
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