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Townsend Artisan Guild, Townsend, TN

Member Since: March 8, 2017
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Townsend, Tennessee

The Townsend Artisan Guild is a community of artists dedicated to raising awareness and appreciation of the arts in our community and actively sharing art techniques.  We manage an art tent at the Blue Ribbon Country Fair at the Great Smoky Mountain Heritage Center and support art in the schools with fund raisers.  Members often demonstrate, provide classroom support or jury school art projects.

The Guild also produces the Smoky Mountain Fiber Arts Festival at the Heritage Center in April each year for beginner to intermediate fiber artists.  Vendors offer fibers, supplies, and tools to create the art and demonstrators explain techniques.

The Guild operates the Townsend Artisan Guild Gallery and Studios and offers other offsite exhibits to sell the work of their member artists including painting, photography, woodworking, jewelry, and more.  From time to time, receptions and sales are held at the Gallery.

Art Council/Guild, Festival/Event/Show, Artist
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
All forms of Visual Arts - Fiber, Paints, Wood, Ceramics, Photography
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