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Uniquely Debey, Calhoun, GA

Member Since: October 20, 2022
Festival biz experience: 2+ years
Calhoun, Georgia
I make and sell Frogs/sweater clips/sweater guards in several varieties: Stock Items(made from all new materials), One of Kinds-matching (upcycled from vintage earrings), One of Kinds-mismatched (from vintage earrings and broaches), nd limited editions (from vintage bracelets and necklaces). I sell them t crafts fairs and on my website at 

I also have  a booth partner that sells handcrafted candles both scented and unscented, in a variety of styles.
Lane's Lights CB
Artist-Crafter, Designer, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
vintage jewelry - Frogs/Sweater clips/Sweater guards
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