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Valatie Econ Redevelpmnt Association, Valatie, NY

Member Since: July 20, 2015
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Valatie, New York
Show Director Phone: (469) 708-8372 Exhibit Director Phone: (469) 708-8372 Food Director Phone: (469) 708-8372 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (469) 708-8372
Valatie Economic Redevelopment Association (V.E.R.A.) is a nonpartisan collective of individuals, businesses and organizations working to enhance the community of Valatie. 

V.E.R.A.'s projects and events bring both community residents and visitors to the Village of Valatie to enjoy our natural waterfalls, the human scale of our historic village, and our downtown landmarks and resources. Our annual Artisan Festival is held on Valatie's historic Main Street, where over 40 local and regional artisans will display and sell their works at the festival, which includes live acoustical music.
#artisan, #festival, #winterwalk
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