Vendors sell. Crafters create. Combined, they form Vendor Members Group (VMG).
In business and the event industry, everything hinges on how a business is branded. Most artists and small business crafters are experts in perfecting their craft, but not so much when marketing their own brand. Vendor Members Group bridges that gap.
As an accredited business with the BBB of Greater Maryland, VMG uses a juried process to approve local, homemade brands into membership. (Multi-level marketing companies and merchandise resellers are ineligible.)
VMG offers consistent community reach using their signature platform, CRAFTS GALORE! Marketplace, and influences branding techniques to directly impact their revenue, costs, and bottom line.
Only members may participate as vendors in CRAFTS GALORE! Events.
Our events are currently held at Timonium United Methodist Church, 2300 Pot Spring Road, Timonium, MD 21093 in Baltimore County. (A second location for our monthly events is being considered.)