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Visionary Worlds of Sevan, Kihei, HI

Member Since: May 22, 2011
Kihei, Hawaii
Artist Phone: (808) 268-9183

To view all my work please visit my online store


Born in the forestal region of Renton, Washington, Sevan first began his journey into the heart of nature as a child. He studied the wind, the sea, the trees and wildlife and magically wove them into reflections of wondrous artistic expression.
Showing profound talents, he was accepted by the Cornish School of Fine Arts in Seattle where he was quickly recognized for his unique gift and was taken under special guidance by the dean of the school, Dale Owen. From there, Sevan flourished with his passion to beautify the world with visions of inspiration and world unity.
In 1989 he set up the Children's Environmental Mural Project, a non-profit organization focused on raising the awareness of our global condition. He traveled from Los Angeles to New York, painting colossal murals of nature and humanity living in balance. In cities along the way, children gathered and left there mark on the murals in hopes that this world will be flourishing when it is there time to lead the way.
Now living in Maui, Hawaii, Sevan has completed more than 1,000 pieces of art - including 17 murals on Maui.
Sevan creates intrigued masterpieces that express to us the world through his eyes.
His love of nature and the earth is expressed vividly thru color and imagery. His Original themes seem to weave a tapestry of movement that reaches into a spiritual realm,depicting Man’s true place in the Universe, in Harmony with all of Creation.
Now, Sevan’s Original Artwork is Available to You

Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Oil,Acrylic,and digital imaging - Original and Prints of Fine Art paintings by Sevan
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