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Vladimir & Friends, Silver Spring, MD

Member Since: August 20, 2022
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Silver Spring, Maryland
I made my first teddy bear in 1986 using a store bought pattern. I enjoyed the process, but decided to start designing my own patterns to give my creations a personalized look. I have made bears ranging in size from 3 inches to 36 inches, and use imported mohair, vintage wool, and vintage fur coats. I occasionally use synthetic furs if they are unique in texture or color. A few years later I added Bunnies to our den. 

Three years ago I decided to add other animals, and now our den includes mice, elephants, chimpanzee, lions and hedgehogs. I make most of their clothes and many of their accessories. I also use vintage items whenever possible.

When I am busy in the sewing room or elsewhere, my loyal companion and large Polar Bear mascot "Vladimir" sees to it that things don't get out of hand in the den. Nearly 35 years ago I adopted Vlad at an auction in Michigan and he has traveled with me to shows  in the Midwest and East Coast. I recently adopted "Bjorn", a smaller and younger polar bean to assist in managing the den.

My bears and critters range in price from $25 to $400. Custom orders are always welcome.
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
German or English mohair, vintage fur, wool, some synthetics - Teddy Bears, Bunnies, Mice, Elephants, Hedgehogs
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