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Carroll County Farmers Market, Westminster, MD

Member Since: July 3, 2009
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Westminster, Maryland
Show Director Phone: (301) 651-4397
The Carroll County Farmer's market is the oldest farmer's market in Carroll County and the second oldest in the state of Maryland.  The Market began in July of 1971 with the help of county Extension agent, Robert L. Jones as an outlet for local farmers to sell their products and to give local consumer's a chance to buy farm fresh produce, eggs, baked goods, jams and jellies, agricultural products and handmade crafts.  There are several vendors and many customers who have been here since the beginning.  The primary goal of providing high quality produce and homemade products is still the guiding principle of the market.  The Market now has 65-100 vendors participating each week. With pride the Carroll County Farmer's Market celebrates almost 50 years of providing high quality products to the public.  The Market is open 22 Saturdays during the year.  More information about dates and events can be found on the Market's website.  There is also a vendor application available for potential vendors who wish to participate.  The Carroll County Farmer's Market and Handmade Craft show is a privately run non-profit organization and is not affiliated with any other market.
Association/Organization, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Producer only Farmer's Market - Juried handmade crafts
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