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Wonder Works Photography, Flowery Branch, GA

Member Since: March 16, 2013
Festival biz experience: 11+ years
Flowery Branch, Georgia
WonderWorks Photography
Creating childlike wonderment, once again, in the worlds that surrounds us

I believe that Wonder, and its expression in art, reminds us that we emerge from the same root, the same seed; the rising and falling, the coming and going of a unified voice.  I think to experience the Earth’s beauty and its connection to one’s-Self nurtures and unifies us all.  I seek to translate those experiences into feelings and perceptions that we often grow to ignore in our regular daily lives.  I try to reopen the eyes of the child within us all and reenergize our affection for and our connection to our natural world.


I have a long time love affair with the arts.  As a child it was music, in college it was music along with black and white silver gelatin prints that I made in my bathroom.  As a young adult I applied my music composition skills to “orchestrate” highly complex computer software systems.


Then along came a life-threatening event.  My adorable wife, five children and six grandchildren fought the good fight by my side.  So far, we’ve won.  The fight re-awakened my creative spirit.  I  see the world once again through the eyes of a child - with awe and wonder.  I seek to capture the emotion of water, sky and mountain playing their own majestic symphony, or the delicate and beautiful fronds of an ornamental grass in a way that you can really see them; maybe for the first time. I want to share those connections and those feelings.  That is the genesis of and ongoing effort behind WonderWorks Fine Art Photography. 
Photography, Artist, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Original Photographic art on matted and mounted glicee prints; color, black and white; landscapes, nature, macro. - Prints mounted and matted in virtually any size, on a variety of soft luster and textured papers as well as canvas; optionally framed.
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