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Yellowstone Trail Fest, Hamlet, IN

Member Since: June 27, 2013
Festival biz experience: 18+ years
Hamlet, Indiana
Show Director Phone: (574) 806-0500 Food Director Phone: (574) 867-2461 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (574) 249-5992
YellowstoneTrail Fest  ~ 2020 ~
Back to the Future theme.  with a Plutonium Pandemonium Escape Room, Look a Like contest, Glow in the Dark Night Parade followed by fireworks.
An old Rumble In Car Show with older than 1972 entries, music, Repurposed Metal Sculpture Contest, Professional Magic Show, Dr. Funny Bones Skeleton Shows & Dig, Rendezevous, WWII encampment, vendors, food & more....
This is laid out in a spacious way to honor 6 foot distancing guidelines.
face mask are recommended and required if you are coughing.
Please DO NOT attend if exposed to flu carriers or if you have a fever!!!

August 15 & 16, 2020
Association/Organization, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Needed: Artisians, entertainers, public involvement - Fun
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