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Yerma Originals, Portland, OR

Member Since: March 5, 2020
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Portland, Oregon
A unique take on nature in Acrylic paints on Canvas, beside an eclectic collection of art made with recycled glass and natural clay. Everthing is one of a kind, signed and dated.

The paintings are land and sea scapes among colorful abstract work. We also have torches, lamps, decanters, vases, boxes and other works of used glass, wood and ceramic items.

The name Yerma was created when the artist's little grand daughter looked at a bunch of her paintings, which were always signed "Yer Ma"  (because its all for the kids, right?). After pondering them, the little girl asked, Gramma, who is Yerma? She signed all your paintings!"

From that day the signature has morphed into Yerma.
Artist, Artist-Crafter, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Recycled glass, natural clay - Tiki torches,decanters,bottle art,repurposed
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