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Festivalnet's Art Guilds

Art Festivals

Become a Guild Partner Today
  • Offer a new benefit to your members
  • Improve the visibility of your organization
  • Be listed on our partner guilds and
    organizations page
  • Gain a hot link back to your site from FN
  • FN has a Google page rank of 5 and over
    1,300,000 visitors per month!
  • To learn more email

FestivalNet wants to work with You!


For qualifying art guilds and art/craft associations, we offer your members a discount on Pro Member access. The discount applies to all FestivalNet member levels.

To qualify, your guild should have at least 100 active members and a current website.

If you are a member of a guild or association and would like to offer this discount to your members, simply contact Julie Cochrane at Support # or email her at .


  • Find juried art events
  • Over 19,000 events with fine art
  • Access to jury fee, booth fee,
    deadline & attendance
  • Create your own site with
    unique URL, blog, profile,
    photo gallery, calendar & more
  • The best online tech support
  • Serving artists since 1996

Compare Membership Levels
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fine art fairs
FN member John Kamerer   

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