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Make the Right Connections in the Music Industry

posted November 17, 2016

Make the Right Connections in the Music Industry

by Tom Hess

You know that making the right music industry contacts is a key factor in developing a successful music career. The problem is, most musicians really don't know 'who' the most valuable music industry contacts are, where to find them, how to actually transform a 'first contact' into a meaningful relationship, what it really means to have the 'right music industry connections', etc.

If I gave you my complete list of music industry contacts (key industry people I have established important relationships with), do you think it would help you build a successful music career? .. NO! Why? Because a mere 'contact' is not worth anything. Music industry contacts need to become meaningful music industry connections. Meaningful connections are developed by building good relationships.. More on this later..

However, even if you have good relationships with the right people, this won't help you until and unless you work on having the right things in place which enables your industry contacts to feel confident enough to work with you.

So, who are the music industry people you should be contacting? .. And when you get through to someone, what do you say to him/her? How can you make these important people pay attention to you if you don't yet have a 'name' in the music business?

Read more here!


by jhm, posted November 10, 2021

Thanks! is awesome.
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