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Mary Stephens

Member Since: January 18, 2012

n designing my children's rooms, I found the love for hand-painting and other crafting... therefore "EllieMac" was created. Ellie is my daughter and Mac is my son... they inspire me to do what I love!

I found Etsy by chance in 2007. I've always had a creative bug lurking within and wanted to let it out into the world. I've been crafting in some way or another since I was a young girl. I started selling handmade cards on Etsy in 2007 and have moved on to salvaged & recycled art. I have studied many things, have my college degree & have had many jobs, but some how I have always found my way back to crafting & art. I feel I'm destined for bigger & better things in the art world, I just need to pursue & discover them. 

Helping the environment by recycling & repurposing gives me the inspiration to create the items you will find in my shop.

recycled materials
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