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Non Pro members appear below

Shiashakes and Co. Jewelry and Design

1104 W. Highland Street - Whitewater, WI 53190

Karen McCulloch   (920) 723-3179
ShiaShakes and Co. Jewelry and Design - Abandon the inconsequential; make peace with yourself again. I only use natural stones, building from the foundation of the focal point. Using quality metals such as sterling silver,… read more


307 S. Buckingham Boulevard - Whitewater, WI 53190-1505

Tonya Cameron   (917) 836-5352
art prints and greeting cards

Lisa Wilson

683 S. Wisconsin Street - Whitewater, WI 53190

Lisa Wilson   (262) 893-1806
Artist-Crafter, Craftsperson
Handmade Necklaces.  Hemp, Memory Wire, and Long Wire Necklaces


683 S. Wsconsin Street - Whitewater, WI 53190

Lisa Wilson   (262) 893-1806
Zo Wilson   (262) 893-9995
Rock and Blues Band