This is Ahmet from Orlando.I used to be owner of couple upscale fine dining restaurants after the economy went down.I have to sold it almost free.I bought 18 ft trailer from GA.Planing to start by March 2011.Originally from Turkey and I am planing to sell gyros and kebabs because I know the mediterranean cuisine..I had couple questions about festivals and shows.
1-How can I understand that festival is going to be crowded?Because the fees are like rent some of them are asking $ 700 -$ 1200 for 3 days
2-How often do I need to attend or once a month?
3-Any suggestions from last years?I can travel max 600 mile.
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to All Members!!!
This is the best site for festival and show business Cong!!!!
Whatchabitinon, Inc.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 11:44 pm EST
did you ever get a response or the advise you needed? I am planning to start up a company and have some ideas but those are the same questions I'd asked. Please let me know.
Monday, January 16, 2012 03:46 pm EST
This business is like playing Russian roulette. Most of the time you just have to take a chance if you cannot find anyone that has done the festival or fair you are interested in. We have been successful at this for 11 yrs. now, but there are not guarantees. For example we will not do one show this year because another group has taken it over and doubling the booth price. It was a good show, but won't be with the increased cost of the booth. Of course weather can kill a show for sure.
We normally expect to gross 8 times our booth costs. We always do that and sometime more. You just have to figure your foods, how many you can sell in the allotted time frame with you and whatever help you have. If you cannot get it out the window fast enough you cannot make the money . . . . How many Gyros can you take orders for, prepare, take the money for and serve in an hour?????