Cactus N Rosewood Arts, Chandler, AZ
Cactus-N-Rosewood Arts started because of a corporate position I was in that required me to cut down and remove a large number of trees and it just broke my heart to see all of that go to waste. I took upon myself to find someone that could repurpose them. I found a craftsman that would come to each site and take the largest portion of them, cut them up and sell the slabs to the public, he also makes incredible desks and tables himself. It amazed me so much that I took my portion to work with and started to create my own art. Now I have completed my first collection and I want to share it with Arizonans that like a southwesty type of artwork.I am just getting off the ground and I will be attending art fairs soon.
I would Appreciate any feedback from other members so I can prepare.
Thanks Roy