Happy Holidays! From Now until the New Year, our staff will have limited office hours. Time-sensitive and order-related emails will take priority; we appreciate your patience! Happy New Year!
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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .


Just Jewelry by Cheryl, Boise, ID

Member Since: June 22, 2011
Boise, Idaho

Fabulous jewelry from $12-26. Watches $26, Necklaces $22, Stretch Rings $18, Bracelets $15 & Earrings $12. Catalog parties, events, host a show, giveaways, fundraisers and more!!


Check out my website at http://justjewelrybc.blogspot.com !!!


Become a FAN on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/justjewelrybc !!!

Jeweler, Retailer, Event Venue
Fabulous Jewelry from $12-26
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