Our festival will be held Sept.15 &16 2023. This year's theme is "Give Us a Whirl with the Great White Squirrel". We are focusing on our area nonprofits and their roles in the community. We are celebrating our 34th year and have something for everyone. There is a pageant for girls ages 12 months to 18 years & this year we are bringing back the Golden Apple pageant for ladies 65 & up, the pageant is the Saturday before Applefest, Saturday morning parade, and a fun packed kidz zone both days, we have a free kids carnival, both days. There are bands scheduled to play and we have many assorted contests, including: pie baking, pie eating, Snow White, Johnny Seed, White Squirrel, husband calling, sexy legs, and karaoke. While you cruise the 2 day citywide garage sale, keep an eye out for the most popular residents, the city's white squirrels. We are looking for quality crafters. A 2 day event full of fun for the whole family.
Festival Services, Craftsperson, Festival/Event/Show